Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Militant? Or just sound advice?

OK, so I know that breastfeeding moms sometimes get a bad name because some of us can be a little "militant" in how we talk to other moms about nursing. This post is not going to help dispel that label, but I'm going to post it anyway. a friend of mine recently had her third baby and was tossing around the idea of not using formula with this one. She asked for advice and this is what I sent her.

I thought about it a little bit and here is my best breastfeeding advice and what I wish someone would have told me before I started. It is pretty strict though so I didn't want to post it on your wall and start a mommy war haha.
1. If you are going to do it, go all in! If you are kind of ehhh about it, it probably isn't going to work out for you.
2. If you have formula in the house GET RID OF IT!! donate it, throw it away whatever, if you have it you will cave and use it in a moment of sleep deprived weakness.
3. Make sure the nurses in the hospital know that you are exclusivly breastfeeding. Absolutly do not let them give the baby formula, sugar water or a paci! I know so many of my girlfriends were doing great with nursing their babies until a nurse snuck them formula and then they would never latch onto a breast again.
4. Don't use nipple shields they are hard to get rid of once you start using them baby will expect them.
5. Feed your baby whenever and where ever he needs to be fed. If you are out eating lunch and baby needs to eat too, then feed him, don't let anyone make you feel awkward about it. I would not eat my lunch in a ladies restroom and neither did my child...ever! haha And some babies(mine) refuse to use a cover when they nurse, they like to see their momma.
6. Get a moby wrap or ring sling because if you have issues with low supply there may be days when you keep your baby at the breast nearly the entire day--which will help you make more milk. There are also several herbs that I had to use that helped a TON that you can get at good ol walmart or anywhere so if you feel like you aren't making enough milk get a hold of me and I can send you more information about that.
7. ENJOY it :) There is just something really special about watching your baby get "milk drunk" and fall asleep against your chest.

Also, it never hurts to look up the number for your local LaLeche League and keep it on the fridge just in case you have a hard time and need good advice in a hurry.:) Sorry if that was a lot, and kind of hard core but that is just what I wish I had known

There you have it, that was the advice that I sent to her. I later got another email thanking me for being so honest and telling me that I was the only one that gave her any advice worth a darn and that it has really helped her keep at it.
So in conclusion, yes the advice I gave her may have been a little harsh, but it was good advice and it worked for her. I'm glad I did it, and I will say the same things to anyone else who asks me.

Side note- My husband and I are going today to meet with a new midwife to talk about what our options may be for another home birth. No, I'm not currently pregnant, but I hope to be soon and I want to get my ducks in a row so things have a chance at going better this time.