Monday, August 13, 2012

My first garden

It all started in early March, I got tons of seeds, conned my husband into making me some light stands and started planning out my very first garden. I spent a whole day carefully filling trays with peat soil, placing seeds and watering. I felt like a proud momma when they started to sprout!

The hard work came after I was finally able to get them into the ground and into real sunshine. I had no idea how much time I would have to spend on my hands and knees pulling weeds. It was so neat to watch my plants grow and begin to produce food for our family. Lettus, broccoli, potatoes, sweet corn, tomatoes, zucchini, green beans, cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, peppers and more corn..because after all, we are in Indiana :) My little man especially loves helping to dig the potatoes!

The last 2 weeks I feel like I have not been able to set foot out of my kitchen due to all of the canning I have been doing...and with canning comes LOTS of dishes. Honestly I'm getting a little sick of it but I know it will be great to have all of that stuff put back during the winter. Even though it has been time consuming and has been a lot of work I cant wait to start this all again next year and make it even bigger and better!
This summer has proved to be productive in many ways- we just found out this week that Jake is going to be a big brother! We are truly so incredibly blessed!