Monday, March 30, 2015

How Young Living Essential Oils have changed our home

OK, I have been reluctant to do a post about oils, because I don't want things to get too sales-ey in here, but so many people have been asking recently that I have decided to share our experience with them.
5 years ago when we were struggling with infertility but desperately wanting a child, I started to evaluate the products that we were using on our bodies and in our home and I began to research what the ingredients really did to our health. I was really disheartened by what I learned  ( namely at finding out how many pseudo estrogens there are!) so I began throwing things away and replacing them with more natural alternatives. Shortly after that, along with making some small changes in our diet, we found out we were expecting our first child. I knew right away that I wanted to keep chemicals away from our little one. After talking to some friends that had started using essential oils, I purchased a bottle of Thieves. I assumed I would just use it to replace the hand sanitizer that I was heavily addicted to. I loved it, it smelled great and I actually caught less colds and viruses than when I was using alcohol based hand sanitizer all day long. So I bought a few more oils...and things snowballed from there :) Now I am an independent distributor with Young Living Essential Oils and have replaced ALL of the chemicals in our medicine cabinet with these precious oils from plants.

In our home we use oils for anything and everything: cuts, scrapes, burns, coughs, sore throats, teething, eczema, diaper rashes, sleeping problems, tummy upset, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, grouchy kids, stressed out or exhausted momma,asthma, sore muscles, focus while we home school, cleaning, acne blemishes, the list really could go on and on and on! It feels great as the mom to be able to solve all of these issues without using products that may have toxic, harmful ingredients and that might cause side affects!
If anyone is interested in learning more about oils, please contact me. If you want to sign up, please feel free to use my member number 1549134,  and I will send you a free essential oils pocket reference for joining my team!