Monday, July 15, 2013

One of these things is not like the other

Breastfeeding Then from Jake- Give me the boobs! I live to nurse, don't want to waste a drop, don't ever want to be away from the boobs!

Breastfeeding Now from Amelia- Ehh, I guess I should eat a little. (Deep Sigh) Maybe if I nurse for 5 minutes this crazy Mom lady will leave me a lone for a while. I will give her the ol' lazy latch and just let most of it run out of the corner of my mouth and all over our clothes because I know she will forget the burp cloth again haha.

It is funny how different babies can be from one to the next. And even how one momma can be different from one child to the next. With Jake I couldn't pump 4 ounces to save me life (with tons of herbs to up my supply), but now I have 60 ounces in the freezer and I feel like some kind of rock star!

It just blows my mind how different my kids are in so many ways. They look nothing alike. Jake is a tiny copy of my husband ad Amelia looks like me. Jake HAD to be held all the time and would not go to sleep without nursing.  Amelia prefers to be left alone on the floor or in her bouncy seat and almost never nurses herself to sleep.

Either way, I have no complaints. They were both very happy, sweet babies who let me sleep most nights. I am so blessed to be their mom.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hi Alliejean! My name is Heather and I have a question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)