Monday, October 14, 2013

Real Food Chocolate Banana Pops

Over the past year we have been working hard to eliminate processed foods from our home.  We still make an effort to find healthy, chemical free ways to enjoy our old favorites though. Here is a recipe that I made with a couple of 3 year old helpers this morning. It was a huge hit!

Real Food Chocolate Banana Pops
Bananas-we used 6
1/2 cup Coconut oil- melted
12 Tbsp. Cacao Powder
4 Tbsp. Raw Honey
pinch or so of salt

Peel and halve bananas. Skewer them with a popsicle stick, lay them on a cookie sheet and freeze them.

It is important to freeze them first so that the coconut oil with harden instantly. The chocolate mixture would also be a great replacement for Magic Shell on a sundae! When your bananas are ready to come out of the freezer go ahead and mix up the chocolate mixture. It is helpful to use a tall, slender cup. We have an abundance of sippy cups around here, so that is what we used, and it was perfect. Then just go ahead and dip those nanners and enjoy! Bonus points for double dipping if you have extra chocolate :) If you plan to add nuts or any other topping you will have to be speedy because the coconut oil hardens very fast.
Wrap any leftovers in parchment paper and stick them in an airtight container to freeze for another day.

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